• Casper Wright

About the Brand

Casper Wright, also known as @nocasperno on Twitter, is an unconventional fashion designer based in Chicago who climbed the steep stairs of the underground fashion world with his talent for atypical design.

Wright founded the company GUTTERtm and created a unique and functional fashion brand. While GUTTER has been around for quite some time, Wright truly upped his game in 2023 with his designs and achievements. Casper Wright's new imprint, GUTTER(TM), has maintained a prominent presence in an industry that often overly focuses on the fast-paced, trendy design elements found in current offerings.

As a multidisciplinary artist and designer, Wright has kept his work connected to the human condition, emphasizing "the evolutionary role that clothing plays as a primary form of expression." Since debuting his range of products last year, he has grown into a signature style that incorporates a range of new shapes and silhouettes, delighting in creative fabrication and pattern-making.


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Sale price ¥37,400
Regular price ¥46,200
Sale price ¥38,500
Regular price ¥55,000
Regular price ¥9,900
Regular price ¥9,900
Regular price ¥3,850
Regular price ¥3,850